Anti-Aging Habits You Will Want to Start Immediately!

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It’s time to get very serious about our Anti-Aging Habits. I have always taken “self care” very seriously and I’m always on the hunt for the fountain of youth! Finding out how to stay young and healthy is one of my number goals!

So far I haven’t gone under the knife and I have no plans on doing so, but I’m not against anyone that chooses to do it. For me, I like being on the hunt for the “fountain of youth”, it’s an experimental journey. I take a proactive approach to health, fitness, beauty and incorporate skincare and makeup tips and tricks into my daily beauty routine to look years younger.

I have always been very serious about my skin routine even when I was much younger and I have to say, my daughter Aliyah at fourteen years old has adopted this routine as well. So, I’m here to tell you it’s never too late to start working on it DAILY to help the skin stay healthy and happy. Doing these things every day can literally take years off.

Use a Good Moisturizer and Hydrate

As we age, using a good moisturizer in the morning and at night is vital to hydrating the skin and reducing the appearance of dry lines. When choosing your products, opt for a creme versus a lotion formulation for your evening moisturizer, as it is richer and more hydrating. Choose a moisturizer that is anti-aging as well as hydrating. The anti-aging products tend to have active ingredients to combat the signs of aging, whether they are dry skin, dull skin, age spots or sagging skin. Don’t forget the importance of hydrating internally. Drinking 64 ounces of water a day is not only good for your health, it improves the appearance of your skin. Some of the best way to reduce skin aging are as follows.

1. Protect your skin from the sun every day. Whether spending a day at the beach or running errands, sun protection is essential. You can protect your skin by seeking shade, covering up with clothing, and using sunscreen that is broad-spectrum, SPF 30 (or higher), and water-resistant. You should apply sunscreen every day to all skin that is not covered by clothing.

2. If you smoke, stop. Smoking greatly speeds up how quickly skin ages. It causes wrinkles and a dull, sallow complexion.

3. Avoid repetitive facial expressions. When you make a facial expression, you contract the underlying muscles. If you repeatedly contract the same muscles for many years, these lines become permanent. Wearing sunglasses can help reduce lines caused by squinting. I’m guilty of this and I am working deligently to try and fix my brow squint!

4. Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. Findings from a few studies suggest that eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables may help prevent damage that leads to premature skin aging. Findings from research studies also suggest that a diet containing lots of sugar or other refined carbohydrates can accelerate aging.

5. Drink less alcohol. Alcohol is rough on the skin. It dehydrates the skin, and in time, damages the skin. This can make us look older. I have given up alcohol beverages for 14 weeks and I only drink an occasional glass of wine or cocktail now and I gotta tell you I feel 100% better not drinking alcohol!

6. Exercise most days of the week. This is my holy grail to staying young and fit! I work out 6 to 7 days a week and it has changed my life physically, spiritually and mentally! Findings from a few studies suggest that moderate exercise can improve circulation and boost the immune system. This, in turn, may give the skin a more-youthful appearance.

7. Cleanse your skin gently.  Gentle washing helps to remove pollution, makeup, and other substances without irritating your skin. Scrubbing your skin clean can irritate your skin. Irritating your skin accelerates skin aging.

8. Wash your face twice a day and after sweating heavily. I wash my face morning, after a workout and before bed. Also, perspiration, especially when wearing a hat or helmet, irritates the skin, so you want to wash your skin as soon as possible after sweating.

9. Apply a facial moisturizer every day. Moisturizer traps water in our skin, giving it a more youthful appearance.

10. Stop using skin care products that sting or burn. When your skin burns or stings, it means your skin is irritated. Irritating your skin can make it look older.

Ali in the Valley is a lifestyle blog about healthy, delicious food and simple lifestyle tips on how to be a great host or hostess…all while staying on a budget.

I create simple recipes for the urban soul and live by my motto:

“Home Grown Cooking – Down To Earth Living!”

Like most women, I’m the Energizer bunny that keeps going and going. And, actually… I LOVE IT. Power mom! Power life!

I’m an entertainment biz executive who loves to entertain at home, as well as abroad!!

I passionately blog about it, share recipes and write cookbooks––plus produce a web show centered around live music and good food.

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