Journaling to Manifest The Life I Want!

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Let me get real “REAL” with you…this year has been a huge year for self growth and as well as self healing. As most of us coming out of 2020, I had to learn how to adjust and dig real deep to figure out how to survive during these unprecedented times but I gotta tell you that I am a much better person because of what I endured and I have to say that learning how to journal consistently changed the game for me in Manifesting The Life I Want!

Journaling is one of the best and fastest ways to connect with your higher self and engage your subconscious mind. Journaling is a technique that can help you to manifest your dream life. Some people are great at being consist with journaling while I have always struggled with it until now. But journaling truly changed my life, so I can only urge you to make journaling a daily habit. Because it not only helps you to manifest your dream life but is also an excellent tool for your personal development and growth.

Manifesting your desires starts with mindset. Be clear about what you want and why. Then the “magic key” is act as if you already have it. Be super grateful for all that you have. Finally follow inspired action. You then train your subconscious into believing that all you desire is already yours. When your subconscious “knows” that you already have it then the Universe delivers.

In my journaling technique, you write the story of your future life as if it had already happened or is happening right now. I don’t write like it in the future I write thank you universe for ….as if it’s already happening this has a lot of power when it comes to reprogramming your subconscious mind. Mindset shifting doesn’t happen overnight. Be patient. Start with little easy things. Many little things soon become a big thing. But do these little things consistently.

For example, if you want to manifest the following:

Abundance — Don’t buy the cheapest stuff, buy whatever you like best that you can afford and make a mental note to come back for more or for all the things you like soon.

Your Soulmate — Sleep on side of the bed, leaving his/her side free. Go window shopping for their birthday present. And write exactly what kind of Soulmate works for you?

The Career of your Dreams — Practice talking and being like that Career person you see yourself as. Play that you are a __________________ just like when we were kids.

New amazing friends — Put music on at full blast and dance your soul away imagining that you are dancing with your new amazing friends.

Perfect Health — Appreciate every part of your body that is healthy. Appreciate it deeply. Talk to your body with heartfelt appreciation. See your self in this perfect health shape.

Journaling serves all the above powerfully. I’ve made journaling a habit to experience transformation and manifest a better version of myself and all my dreams. Make time for yourself to journal every day, you will see an amazing difference specially when keep at it until it’s a habit you can’t shake. Journaling from time to time, now and then is not effective for manifesting.

You can try one of my two methods to get you started. No matter what you need your journal for, try these journaling strategies to help bring all your manifesting goals to action:

Write Free & With Passion:
Just let the ideas flow onto the paper without dwelling on one thing for too long. This is a creative process, try not to overthink it.

Writing your manifesting journal that way will allow your dreams and goals to flow out freely beyond what you thought possible.

You can try to set yourself a goal, how long you want to write. Then you write until you have reached this goal without pause.

When you are done, you will surely be surprised at what you have written in your manifesting journal. You will get some insights into what you really want, and that is so important when you manifest your dreams.

Make Your Manifesting Journal A Daily Habit:
You may not be an everyday writer, but creating a routine to write your manifesting journal is the best way actually to form a habit.

When you write daily, you’ll find a greater consistency to your thoughts and reflections, and your manifesting journal works almost like some daily affirmations.

The more you repeat your dreams, the deeper they anchor into your subconscious mind.

Starting a morning routine could be a great way to make your manifesting journal a daily habit. This is my number one habit, wake up listen to 432 hrmz music and journaling for 15 to 20 minutes than I start my day.

In this post here, I give you more tips on how to start a journal and keep up with daily journaling.

The good thing with your journal is, it is just for yourself. So you can be completely honest in your manifesting journal, no one else will read it but you.

Share your biggest secrets, your dreams, and desires, even the ones you cannot share with anyone else.

Expressing what you truly want is the fastest way to your manifesting success!

Ali in the Valley is a lifestyle blog about healthy, delicious food and simple lifestyle tips on how to be a great host or hostess…all while staying on a budget.

I create simple recipes for the urban soul and live by my motto:

“Home Grown Cooking – Down To Earth Living!”

Like most women, I’m the Energizer bunny that keeps going and going. And, actually… I LOVE IT. Power mom! Power life!

I’m an entertainment biz executive who loves to entertain at home, as well as abroad!!

I passionately blog about it, share recipes and write cookbooks––plus produce a web show centered around live music and good food.

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