Moving Forward!

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Moving Forward in life is challenging at times but what’s the alternative?

There’s only one thing you can do when confronted with difficult times: Move forward. You can’t allow the challenges of life to break you. Don’t allow these difficult experiences to derail you from pursuing your dreams.

When life pushes you to the ground, you have to force yourself back up again. You have to keep fighting the hardship and make one tiny little step after another. As I always say, one baby step at a time…

One of my favorite quotes is: “If you’re going through hell, keep going.” then I follow up with one day you will look up and you will be back in the sunshine!

Everything has an ending, even the most difficult times in your life. The good part is they don’t last forever!

Moving forward during times of hardship is incredibly difficult and challenging. But after some time, you’ll notice that by taking one step after another, you’ve eventually overcome the struggle. Moving forward in life helps you to avoid stagnation. It allows you to maintain your pace, without being lured away by the various temptations of life. Similarly, the willingness to move on helps you to explore new opportunities where other people see only problems. By doing so, moving forward helps you to stop complaining about the struggle and makes you actively do something about it.

The willingness to continuously keep moving forward is not only important during tough times. It’s just as important in many other aspects of life as well.

Especially during difficult times, it seems tempting to hide away and to quit fighting. It’s always easier to give up and to fantasize about someone who will come to your rescue. At the same time, none of these things will help you to overcome the issues you’re confronted with. Giving up will only make things worse.

If you accept the fight and if you use these experiences to grow stronger, you will stand firm like a rock during the times of great difficulties. Even more importantly, you will use the ashes and ruins that the storm left behind in order to build the foundation for something better.

Tips to keep you moving forward:

  1. Change your Attitude: The ability to keep moving forward in life greatly depends on your attitude. If you allow setbacks and difficulties to break you, no progress can be made. At the same time, if you are determined not to allow difficulties to stop you, you will be able to get back up on your feet one time after another.
  2. The experience makes you grow: Struggles and difficulties can be truly challenging. They can bring you to your limits and may even push you beyond these boundaries. The hardship will also confront you with situations in which all hope seems lost. When this happens, it’s important to remind yourself how important it is to keep fighting and to keep moving forward. It’s important to be aware that this intensive test will contribute to your growth – in the long run.
  3. Face Your Problems: Even if it is painful, try to confront your problems. Be honest with yourself and stop pretending that everything is fine when it’s clearly not. It will be definitely difficult to face your problems head on. It may make you feel uncomfortable and it will also push you to your boundaries. At the same time, however, this is the only way to truly break free.
  4. Keep moving forward patiently: Another integral aspect of moving forward is patience. In many situations, change can only be affected gradually. It’s almost impossible to make long-lasting changes overnight. Instead, try to see it as a process that requires you to make one step after another. If you have the necessary patience it takes to gradually move forward, you will eventually see results. 
  5. Keep your goal in mind: Unfortunately, it’s incredibly easy to lose sight of your dreams and goals when confronted with difficulties. You may find yourself confronted with daunting obstacles that are almost impossible to tackle. During these situations, it’s important to take a step back in order to see the bigger picture

6. Seize the power of the moment: Living in the past will not help you to get unstuck. At the same time, overly worrying about the future will also not help you to get going. Realize that the past cannot be changed and that the future is not set in stone. This will shift your attention from being centered too much on the past or future back to the present moment. Doing so affects an important change in perspective, as it will allow you to make use of the power of the present moment to build a better future. Moving forward is all about seizing the moment in order to effect beneficial changes in your life.

7. No Regrets: Regret is something that can greatly prevent you from moving forward. If you are unable to accept what happened, you will waste precious time and energy while mulling over your misery again and again.

It takes an active approach to move forward in life. This process can only be set into motion by claiming full responsibility for your own mistakes. In many cases, this may be quite difficult to do. At the same time, it is what is needed to stay in control of your life. Otherwise, you will only give your power away.

Never Ever Give Your Power Away!


Ali in the Valley is a lifestyle blog about healthy, delicious food and simple lifestyle tips on how to be a great host or hostess…all while staying on a budget.

I create simple recipes for the urban soul and live by my motto:

“Home Grown Cooking – Down To Earth Living!”

Like most women, I’m the Energizer bunny that keeps going and going. And, actually… I LOVE IT. Power mom! Power life!

I’m an entertainment biz executive who loves to entertain at home, as well as abroad!!

I passionately blog about it, share recipes and write cookbooks––plus produce a web show centered around live music and good food.

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