Thanksgiving Week Hikes!

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Hiking for me really is about clarity. As I begin my ascend up the rocky path on my hikes I do feel like I’m climbing and it’s a challenge but I know that if I take baby steps one by one inch by inch I will arrive at the top. Making this so much a metaphor to what life is about that even if you don’t feel good, even if you’re worried, even if you have stress, you have to keep moving taking one baby step at a time to try to overcome it all and get to happier ground. It’s much like hiking baby steps one by one.

It’s Thanksgiving and I have so much to be grateful for but I’ve also come through some of the most challenging times of my life. I’m still healing and processing everything that’s happened over the last year and a half to two years. Like most of us, I could write an epic novel about it and sometimes feels like like once I get back on my feet the sledgehammer comes right back around and goes on out let me give you one more upside the head just to see if you’ll wobble and come back. I do I wobble, but I get back on my feet and I keep moving baby step after baby step, pulse after pulse not quitting! Quitting isn’t an option because I do know that if you keep moving you will wind up back in the sunshine.

So on this Thanksgiving holiday, which is a challenge for me, I’m grateful thankful and in the process of healing my soul and putting the pieces together to reach my new life.

The new life that is my dharma I have projected and worked really hard to get and so my challenges my sorrow and my struggles all amount to what’s most important and that’s my happiness!

Here are some of the trails that I’ll be hitting during Thanksgiving because I love being in nature and I love climbing up a hill. I love God talking to me as a hike and I am thankful that my body can respond and do these challenging hikes. Get outside this Thanksgiving week and let the universe know you’re thankful. Happy Thanksgiving hope to see you on the trails!

My favorite Trails:

  1. Caballero Canyon Trail
  2. Rocky Peak Trail
  3. Las Llajas Canyon Trail
  4. Runyon Canyon Trail
  5. Fryman Canyon Trail

Ali in the Valley is a lifestyle blog about healthy, delicious food and simple lifestyle tips on how to be a great host or hostess…all while staying on a budget.

I create simple recipes for the urban soul and live by my motto:

“Home Grown Cooking – Down To Earth Living!”

Like most women, I’m the Energizer bunny that keeps going and going. And, actually… I LOVE IT. Power mom! Power life!

I’m an entertainment biz executive who loves to entertain at home, as well as abroad!!

I passionately blog about it, share recipes and write cookbooks––plus produce a web show centered around live music and good food.

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